How to Screenshot on Dell Laptop

There will be quite a number of times when you will need to take a picture of the screen on your Dell laptop. As a result, you should know how to do it. There are a few methods by which you can do this as we will teach you how to screenshot on Dell laptop. Besides, owning a Dell laptop will command a lot of respect from all over the community. They know you have good taste but all of that could possibly go down the drain if you don’t know how to screenshot on Dell laptop. As most people know it is as easy as reciting the alphabet. This may not be something you learned as a kid but you get the point. Here are a few methods to do it without breaking a sweat:

Method 1 – Press Print Screen

This would only apply to you if you have Windows 10 installed on your laptop. If the operating system is anything below that then you can’t expect it to work. Furthermore, you will see the ‘Print Screen’ button on your keyboard. Since the buttons are a bit small, then it will most likely be shortened to just ‘Prt Sc’ and you already know what that means if you’ve been using computers for a pretty long time. There is a possibility that it appears like a lot of other abbreviations but you know what it stands for from the moment you first look at it. You will most likely find it in the upper right portion of your computer. If not then there is a slight chance that it is paired up with the F10 button. After all, you would want to know what it would stand for so you will know what you are up against.

Paste to Paint

Believe it or not, there is a way for you to save the image that you just took a screenshot of. After pressing the ‘Print Screen’ button, you can open the ‘Paint’ application then press ‘Ctril+V’ so it gets posted there. After all, that is the command we all know as a paste. We are used to using it as a way to copy and paste links and other word phrases from one document to another. There are plenty of things you can do with the image when it is already in Paint. You can even do the same thing with Adobe Photoshop so you can do even more things like putting text or other images on it. It is possible you are in the early stages of trying to piece together a poster. Besides, it would take a lot of creativity to do so and possibly combine many images that you encountered in the past. It would all come to fruition when you highlighted the deals that you prefer.

Method 2 – Alt + Print Screen

There will come a time when you will want to take a screenshot of a specific window while excluding the background. That is possible as all you need to do would be to go to the window that you would want to take a screenshot of and press ‘Print Screen + Alt’ and you will automatically save that image without the annoying background. In case, you want to save it then go to Paint and paste it there. However, if you want to edit then you may need to go to a different image editing application. Paint just allows you to draw on it which is a lot of fun when you come to think of it. It is possible you would want anyone to know all the other tabs that you were looking at. We all know how that should be kept private which is the same reason why most people would prefer deleting their history a lot more often than you originally thought.

Method 3 – Windows Button + Print Screen

It is indeed possible you would want to save the file in PNG format and all you need to do is to make the right call. You just need to press the Windows and Print screen buttons in a simultaneous manner. When that is over, you could end up doing stuff you’ve never seen in the past. When you save it in a PNG format then you can do more things with the image. Add that to the fact that there is no loss in quality when you save in PNG format. Besides, you can encounter a blurred image when you save in JPG format but that does not mean that is expected to happen all the time. In this scenario, you should expect the unexpected and let it hang from there. When you save the image in a PNG format then you can locate it in the C Drive by using all of the right buttons and you can relocate the image to another folder. Besides, it is possible you may want to put it in a folder that you also took a screenshot of.

There is no doubt you realized that it is pretty easy to know how to screenshot on Dell laptop. After all, you will want to apply things your way regarding where it stands. It is one of those basic things that you should be aware of when you have a Dell laptop. Besides, it is a great way to remember stuff that you come across on your laptop. You don’t have to bring out your smartphone and take a picture of it because you can do it right on your Dell laptop. Just when you think you will need to transfer to your smartphone and do the same thing, you can also do it on your Dell laptop as long as you push all the right buttons. Just make sure that your laptop is fully charged so it does not get shut off in an unexpected fashion. When that happens, it is possible you would lose everything you were working on unless you were able to save it.